[Prev|Next|Index] Thu, Feb 22, 1996 Pedro R. Doria Just say YES! Democracy works... By Pedro R. Doria Hello. This is to be short, you'll read plenty about the same subject, so there's no reason to extend myself. I'm Brazilian, so the Communications Decency Act won't affect me. Right? Wrong. Americans won't be able to share with me their private thoughts on many of the subjects I choose to argue. I'm loosing. Bad. I live on Tele Communications. I'm sysop of a Mac BBS, I'm moderator of a Mac MailingList, I write on the Web. Portuguese readers are welcome to check my last Telegraph St. issue, on the Black Thursday at: http://www.africanet.com It is a twice-a-month column on Freedom and the Net, I write for my country's Macworld. I live for speaking and listening. I see no sense in life if I'm not able to do one of those. It's wrong. I won't tell what censorship has done to my country. You may guess. And it all started on a very, very light way. I have lived on the States when I was a kid because my parents had no condition to live in our home land. The States were the country of freedom in those days. Now, I live in a democratic country. I hope the US keeps it's role as an example we should follow in democracy. It owes that to the World. Nice that plenty of americans know they owe it to themselves. Best, Pedro. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Twenty-Four Hours of Democracy]